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Service & Repair Insurance

We Work For You

Here to protect what you’ve built with diligence and care.

Service & Repair Insurance

Service and repair business operators have unique insurance needs. We are here to help evaluate your risks and develop an appropriate insurance program for your business. Whether you offer auto repair, towing, home systems repair such as plumbing or HVAC, janitorial services, pool maintenance, lawn care, dry cleaning, or whatever else, we have seen it before and we have an insurance company interested in your specialty. Please reach out to us today to discuss your operation and how we can best help you improve your risk profile and lower your total cost of risk.

Depending on your field, a few types of insurance you may need to consider include:

  • Garagekeepers insurance provides coverage for vehicles that are kept on your premises, protecting against theft, vandalism, or damage while you are responsible for them. Garage liability insurance protects you from general liability and auto liability claims that may occur, including property damage or bodily injury you cause to a customer, vendor, or other third party.
  • Bailees coverage or insurance for property of others in your care, custody, or control are critical if your business handles someone else’s property. Otherwise that one-of-a kind vase you accidentally dropped on the marble floor is coming out of your pocket.
  • Crime insurance is designed to protect businesses from financial losses due to criminal activities such as theft, fraud, embezzlement, forgery, and other dishonest acts. This insurance can cover a range of scenarios, including employee dishonesty, theft of money or securities, computer fraud, and funds transfer fraud.

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